Saturday, August 25, 2007
YMCA by Gregorius
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Without anything. Only me, my best friends and my fly-fishing instruments. ...And the Bears!
Fishing in Kola...
But as you can figure out from the attached image, even the FREE Stuff has a price. Believe me, you have to know what's the colour of the hat you are wearing?Beware! You have to know where you put your feet when walking.Three weeks ago we finally reached the camp in
I wish you happy browsing!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Golf tutorials
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Nice, isn't it. Here's the link to get the DVDs.But folks, that's not all! Please note that there is plenty more in FreeIQ and new things are coming in all the time. Visit it often! Or what do you think of this FUNNY TUTORIAL: Beginning Golf....The Fun Way! This will be a series of Golf Instruction for the Beginner. These lessons will be economically priced to give the beginning golfer a basic understanding of the entire process of learning the game. The entire package will be introduced by FreeIQ and the first installment will be "Free Content". The current downloadable content is a FREE outline.
These lessons will be economically priced to give the beginning golfer a basic understanding of the entire process of learning the game. The entire package will be introduced by FreeIQ and the first installment will be "Free Content". This first video will be an introduction of the series by David. This initial offering will start with the mindset that will explain the commitment that must be made to become a golfer that will enjoy the game and at some point be able to break 100. Breaking 100 may not seem to be a "lofty goal", and this is part of what every person who is a beginning golfer MUST decide! What is my Goal? What is realistic? Each video will be 15 to 20 minutes long in order to keep the level of concentration and the process of learning the system at a pace that can be reviewed and practiced until the golfer is comfortable with the concepts. Each video will be available as a downloadable streaming video to be viewed on their computer. The video discs will be available in the near future. Enjoy these Lessons and Enjoy Golf !
Here's the link again.